Communique – Jul. 27, 1999
stem cell research PRESIDENT CLINTON: The White House endorsed NIH Director Harold Varmus’s recommendation that stem cell research be continued when those stem cells are…
stem cell research PRESIDENT CLINTON: The White House endorsed NIH Director Harold Varmus’s recommendation that stem cell research be continued when those stem cells are…
abortion MEDICARE: In the July 1999 Nationwide Insurance Enterprise of Columbus, Ohio Medicare Newsletter, a listing of abortion coverage as of October 1, 1998, is…
birth control pill KILLS: The current issue of Child & Family presents a scholarly treatment of the Pill’s various modes of action, including abortion. Regarding…
birth control pill JAPAN: Commenting on the Japanese government’s recent approval of the pill, Father Anthony Zimmerman, a long-time resident of Japan, observed, “The fact…
abortion BREAST CANCER I: Dr. Richard Klausner, director of the National Cancer Institute (NCI), recently responded to a letter from Congressman Tom Bliley (R-Va.) which…
abortion BREAST CANCER LINK: In debating the fate of Food and Drug Administration approval for RU-486, members of Congress pointed out the clinical proof that…
abortion ARIZONA: An investigation shows that on the day abortion patient Lou Anne Herron bled to death, a doctor refused to respond to requests for help…
abortion ACCESS: A report in Medical Economics revealed a continuing decline in abortion providers and observed the impact violence is having on the business. A…
abortion ACCESS: A report in Medical Economics revealed a continuing decline in abortion providers and observed the impact violence is having on the business. A…
abortion NARAL: The National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League announced a new television ad campaign focused on reinforcing the theme “Choice for America’ [meaning…
abortion GENETIC TERMINATIONS: Canadian news reports [see 5/14/99 communique] regarding the abortion of late term children who were affected with certain disorders failed to point…
abortion SURVEY: The Kaiser Family Foundation has released a study of 2,200 women, ages 18 and older, surveyed three to four weeks after their abortions.…