North Dakota abortion ban right on target
Several courageous legislators in North Dakota certainly understand the urgency of ending abortion in this country.
Several courageous legislators in North Dakota certainly understand the urgency of ending abortion in this country.
Tomorrow, April 26, thousands of young people across the country will participate in American Life League’s National Pro-life T-shirt Day by wearing shirts with pro-life messages to their high schools and colleges.
Altered Nuclear Transfer-Oocyte-Assisted Reprogramming (ANT-OAR) is a process by which an experimental protocol would generate presumed pluripotent cells, but presumably not human embryos for research.
“Every pharmacist in America should know how the birth control pill can prevent a newly-created human being from implanting in his mother’s womb,” said American Life League president Judie Brown.
“The results of Terri Schiavo’s autopsy provide some answers concerning her physical condition,” said American Life League president Judie Brown, “but in no way do these findings justify the cruel death by dehydration that was imposed on a living human being.”
While the FDA’s delays are at least keeping Plan B from being sold without a doctor’s prescription, American Life League must once again ask why use of this drug is permitted under any conditions.
9:00 am – Prayer and sidewalk counseling
Planned Parenthood abortion mill
1108 16th St. NW / Washington
American Life League will hold a media event today at 2:00 p.m. in front of the Fairmont Hotel in Chicago, the site of the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops’ spring meeting.
American Life League gratefully welcomes the return of some 50 volunteer 2005 Crusade for Life walkers, who spent the past ten weeks trekking across the United States spreading a simple, non-negotiable truth of the Catholic faith: You can’t be Catholic and pro-abortion.
American Life League denounces the inhumane death sentence that will be imposed upon Terri Schiavo if Judge George Greer does not reverse his order to remove her feeding tube on March 18. “Judge Greer’s ruling is unconscionable,” said Judie Brown, president of American Life League.
This week, a documentary covering American Life League’s Crusade for the Defense of Our Catholic Church’s Summer Crusade for Life walks will be featured on EWTN.
“The National Abortion Federation is currently exhibiting a most disgusting twist on charitable giving,” said Judie Brown, president of American Life League.