Planned Parenthood’s Cruella De Vil
“If she doesn’t scare you, no evil thing will.” While these may just be song lyrics, we can’t help but understand the truth behind them.
“If she doesn’t scare you, no evil thing will.” While these may just be song lyrics, we can’t help but understand the truth behind them.
Debate continues about taxpayer funding of the largest abortion provider in the nation. When will our lawmakers wake up and see the evil?
Not content to stay quiet, ALL speaks out about birth control, Planned Parenthood, and Cecile Richards.
Social networks were set on fire Tuesday as the House Oversight Committee entertained the testimony of Cecile Richards, president of the nation’s largest abortion chain.
When can the absence of a certain color indicate your support for babies?
An organization that misrepresents itself, that harms women and kills babies, and that is only in the business for its bottom line—this is an organization that should not exist. And it is definitely one that should not be funded by our tax dollars.
Planned Parenthood’s admission of criminal behavior adds fuel to the fire.
Letter betraying internal scramble to diffuse criticism backfires, invites prosecution.
Christ cannot be psychoanalyzed because he is perfect.
Once again, the news in the pro-life world has been dominated by Planned Parenthood.
Five tweets reveal Planned Parenthood to be mentally unstable.
When revenue from harvested baby organs is considered, late term abortion is one of Planned Parenthood’s highest ticket items. This very well may explain why the abortion giant has resisted any attempt by legislators to restrict these horrific procedures.