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Planned Parenthood Funding Took Center Stage in DC This Week

The primary pro-life news this week was the appearance of Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Cecile Richards before a congressional committee. This would be a task that would frighten almost anyone, but not Cecile. You see, Cecile was once deputy chief of staff to Representative Nancy Pelosi—one of the most ardently pro-abortion “Catholics” in Congress. So, congressional hearing rooms are really “home court” for Cecile.

The lengthy hearing had something for everyone. Members of Congress who are against Planned Parenthood asked very detailed questions. They asked not only about Planned Parenthood’s sale of baby body parts (the issue that prompted the hearings), but also about Planned Parenthood finances in general and why Cecile felt that PP was entitled to taxpayer money.

Those members of Congress who support Planned Parenthood generally used their time to praise the abortion giant and to heap praise on Cecile. All the time they were heaping praise on Planned Parenthood, they did not mention that Planned Parenthood pours millions of dollars into their campaigns every year. That’s right, the nonprofit, tax-exempt organization that receives half-a-billion dollars in taxpayer money transfers millions of dollars each year to its political arm—the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. That money is then used to endorse and advocate for politicians who, when they get to Congress, vote to allow Planned Parenthood to continue to receive government money. It is time to break this cycle.

Commenting on Cecile’s appearance, David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress said,

Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards admits in her written testimony before Congress today that she is “proud” of Planned Parenthood’s baby body parts harvesting program. In person, Planned Parenthood’s CEO frequently hid behind the corporate veil of Planned Parenthood’s affiliates and could not provide basic information about Planned Parenthood’s abortion revenue and fetal harvesting practices. Planned Parenthood’s CEO’s evasive testimony will only prolong the controversy over this corrupt and unaccountable organization, while taxpayers continue to foot the bill for their expanding late-term abortion business and baby parts harvesting chop-shop. Her testimony clearly demonstrates that Planned Parenthood, at least on Cecile Richards’ watch, has no intention of ending these atrocities against humanity and is not worthy of taxpayer funding.

On Wednesday of this week, 241 members of the House of Representatives voted—for the second time in September—to take taxpayer money away from Planned Parenthood. Over the last four years, a majority of the 435 members of the House has repeatedly shown it wants to stop funding Planned Parenthood.