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Catholic Hypocrites

Jesus gave His life so that we might live with him in eternal life. This incredible gift is ours if we follow His teachings and examples. Yet some are willing to throw this away.

Pretty Places to Kill Babies

In the 1992 movie My Cousin Vinny there is a scene where Vinny (Joe Pesci) is getting ready to go hunting. His fiancée, Mona Lisa (Marisa Tomei), is upset because he might kill a deer. Vinny keeps asking her what pants he should wear. In frustration, Lisa finally responds.

Seeds of Confusion Surround Cardinal Turkson, Birth Control

Vatican representative Cardinal Peter Turksen made statements in an interview with the BBC alluding to Birth Control and the use of natural means to regulate births as a tool to address environmental challenges. This is the antithesis of the birth control mentality and is not compatible with a view that natural family planning is mere birth control. Clarification of his comments are needed before grave damage is done in the public arena and Catholic people are led to believe that the Church is promoting birth control by any name.

Ruthless Sympathy

The disposable mentality of our society had permeated into all areas of life, and now we see that even the sick or terminally ill are thought of in this way. How have we become a society that just wants to get rid of those whom we find it difficult to care for?

If Only Granny Were a Wild Animal!

What is covered with fur, lives either in the wild or in a zoo, and has no soul? If you answered that it’s the latest species to be protected over humans, then you would be correct! How is it that we have come to live in a world where animals are given more rights than human beings created in the image and likeness of God?

False Narratives a Pox on America

We’ve heard a lot about excessive force lately. But, in reality, those who fight day in and day out for preborn babies know all too well another meaning of excessive force. We see each and every day the slaughter of countless babies, yet this lawful practice is allowed to continue. What can be worse than excessive force perpetrated upon the smallest and most innocent of all?