Planned Parenthood Admits It Is All about Abortion
Planned Parenthood’s president, Cecile Richards, is convinced that abortion is so sacred that the organization is willing to give up government subsidies rather than stop its deadly “service.”
Planned Parenthood’s president, Cecile Richards, is convinced that abortion is so sacred that the organization is willing to give up government subsidies rather than stop its deadly “service.”
American Life League’s Stop Planned Parenthood International (STOPP) completed and released its third report on the compensation of the chief executive officer of each of Planned Parenthood’s 56 affiliates across the country.
What’s happening at the Vatican, and where is PP’s annual report?
Listen to the sage words of ALL’s executive director as he schools a PP supporter.
New statistics remind us of the devastation wrought by the abortion industry. We must combat this devastation with Christ-like actions.
What is the real legacy that lives on because of Margaret Sanger and the organization she founded?
To all the preborn babies and their mothers we work so hard for on a daily basis, we give you this promise: The future is bright. And we will never give up on even one of you.
The hold that PP has on the citizens of our country has increased exponentially over its 100-year history. When will people wake up and realize the evil that lurks behind its doors?
Sedlak, American Life League executive director and recognized expert on Planned Parenthood, issued today the second in a three-part series of articles examining the history of the abortion giant as it celebrates its 100th year as an organization.
American Life League will join local pro-life groups in a peaceful protest of Planned Parenthood’s new abortion facility at 1225 4th St., NE in Washington, DC. The prayer vigil will begin at noon on Monday, September 26.
ALL’s president and executive director top this week’s news with insights on topics of great importance.
Immorality and the funding of Planned Parenthood are at the forefront of this week’s news.