The Three Percent Serial Killer
The largest abortion business in the country is in trouble. But we must continue our efforts to destroy this organization so that not even one baby loses his life at the hands of these butchers.
The largest abortion business in the country is in trouble. But we must continue our efforts to destroy this organization so that not even one baby loses his life at the hands of these butchers.
In a startling demonstration of Planned Parenthood’s priorities, abortions outnumbered breast exams at Planned Parenthood for the first time in its history! It committed 328,348 abortions and performed only 321,700 breast exams.
As more and more people come to understand the despicable nature of Planned Parenthood, and as more clinics close, we have to ask: Why are our taxes still paying for this organization?
Don’t miss these interviews with ALL staff about this week’s happenings.
Would you like to learn how to drive Planned Parenthood out of your community?
Exciting news and innovative ways to educate your children are just two of the hot news items for this week.
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains announced that it will close its medical facility in Casper, Wyoming, on July 21, 2017.
ALL staff members had a busy week. Read to find out why.
One radio show ends the fence straddling over Planned Parenthood.
President Donald Trump signed a bill allowing states to withhold Title X funding from abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood.
ALL staff members share recent news and information about what’s happening in the Church and at PP.
Do you know how much a CEO at PP makes each year?