Hearts Open to Children
We celebrate joy and love during this special month of adoption awareness.
We celebrate joy and love during this special month of adoption awareness.
In today’s culture, it is not simply enough to hold pro-life convictions in your heart; you must act on those convictions and actively teach your children to distinguish between the culture of life and the culture of death.
The Supreme Court, 40 Days for Life, and our own Judie Brown bring light and hope to our week.
See what all the buzz is about.
As dedicated pro-lifers, we often think that the best way to combat the culture of death is to do battle in the public sector.
It’s hard to keep young children from being traumatized by the horrors of the abortion industry and the culture of death. But the reality is that, sooner or later, your kids will learn about abortion.
While PP admits to selling baby body parts, we hear the voice of wisdom and understand the importance of prayer and fasting.
By Anne R. MacLean
New York Times columnist David Brooks recently noted the visceral kind of cringe we experience when we hear that ISIS jihadis have decapitated yet another person.
As another year closes, we take a few moments to reflect upon the blessings bestowed upon us. We offer a prayer of thanks for our faith, for the power of Our Lord, and for the people who have helped effect change. And we look forward to a year filled with many more blessings a year where we hope to see lives spared, hearts opened, and souls saved.
By Rob Gasper
“I have a two-year-old granddaughter thanks to your literature.” — F. Bandiera (Waterbury, Connecticut)
Catholic clergy must lead their flock, must not turn a blind eye to the tenets of the faith. They must stand up when an injustice is done and show the great power of Our Lord. Is this being done today?
By Mark Pickup
My wife, LaRee, and I were asked to address a conference about critical life issues sponsored by the Diocese of Metuchen, New Jersey.