Week in Review
March for Life
Last week, American Life League staff traveled to our nation’s capital for the annual March for Life. From Wednesday to Friday, the ALL team sponsored a booth at the March for Life Expo.

During the Expo, the ALL team interacted with hundreds of pro-lifers and distributed materials on various pro-life topics. Attendees were given brochures on who ALL is and what the organization does, shown which resources are available online and how to subscribe to Celebrate Life Magazine, and given resources that lay out ALL’s unique no-exceptions position on abortion.

While this year’s Expo was much smaller than years past, the team noticed that the crowd was hungry for answers on how to end abortion violence. The questions the team answered most were:
- “Why are you no exceptions on abortion?”
- “Can ALL help my pro-life group?”
- “How can the Charity Watchlist help me?”
- “How can I find out more about the Culture of Life Studies Program?”

If you met us at the Expo and would like to connect, please reach out to us! The ALL team will happily answer your pro-life questions.

Planned Parenthood Annual Report on Killing COMING SOON! STOPP Is Ready
Last week, Ed Martin and the STOPP team released the latest Wednesday STOPP Report. The following article was written by Martin, as the team anticipates the 2023 annual report from Planned Parenthood.
Each year, Planned Parenthood Federation of America is required to release an annual report. This report reveals how the organization spends its money and where it puts its focus. Over the years, we have found that the report reveals a lot about its strategies for killing babies.
The Planned Parenthood Annual Report for 2023 will come out in the next few months. And STOPP will be ready.
We will comb through this annual report to understand exactly how America’s biggest abortion killing machine is operating.
We will focus on the following questions this year:
First, is Planned Parenthood continuing its plan to close brick and mortar facilities? Where is it closing facilities? And where is it opening facilities? (Sadly, pro-death states like California and Illinois are adding facilities.)
Second, how is the chemical abortion movement progressing? We see more and more evidence that Planned Parenthood is using chemical abortion as well as gender transformative drugs. Can we tell how much the horrendous Biden policies about mailing drugs is impacting Planned Parenthood operations? (Think about this: Our tax dollars subsidize the Postal Service as it assists in Planned Parenthood’s killing!)
Third, how is the Planned Parenthood propaganda machine working? Much of the effort of Planned Parenthood—by its own admission—has moved to digital and online to target young women especially. In addition, Planned Parenthood is spending its money to influence politics and universities.
Fourth, how is Planned Parenthood addressing its racist conduct? Planned Parenthood has admitted in recent years that it is racist and that it has mistreated its staff and others. It has also recognized that its founder, Margaret Sanger, was racist and that she targeted African Americans. Will Planned Parenthood reimburse African American communities for the killing? Perhaps Planned Parenthood should pay reparations.
STOPP knows that shining light on Planned Parenthood’s annual report will not only give us a roadmap to how it operates but will also uncover opportunities to slow its work and stop the killing.
ALL in the News
Last week, Hugh Brown spoke to different media outlets about ALL’s Charity Watchlist, highlighting the impact it has had on pro-life donors. Hugh interviewed with Janet Parshall, who hosts a popular syndicated Christian radio show. Hugh also spoke on Seize the Day on the Sirius XM Catholic Channel.
Chirstian Post wrote a feature about the Charity Watchlist.
Katie Brown, director of ALL’s Marian Blue Wave program, was featured in an article by Radiant Magazine, a popular publication for young Catholic women. Katie shared how her devotion to the rosary has helped her lead the MBW and how praying a daily rosary can change the world.
Susan Ciancio, editor of Celebrate Life Magazine and director of the Culture of Life Studies Program, writes weekly commentaries on timely pro-life topics. This week, she wrote an op-ed published by LifeSiteNews about the need for pro-life education for our country’s youth and an article celebrating the feast of St. Francis de Sales.
Twice a week, Judie Brown’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of ALL.org.
Pro-Life Education
Culture of Life Studies Program
When we are confirmed, the Holy Spirit bestows upon us the gifts of wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, fortitude, piety, and fear of the Lord. These seven gifts help us as we strive to be more like Christ and strengthen our relationship with Him. To help us reflect on these gifts, the Culture of Life Studies Program has created a Lenten reflection booklet that focuses on these gifts of the Holy Spirit. Each day’s entry includes a Bible verse, a reflection, and a short biography of a saint who lived the meaning of that gift. We follow that up with suggestions for how you can use this saint’s example to build a culture of life in your own home or community. This booklet is our gift to you! Download for FREE! ORDER HERE
ALL’s Education Materials
Planned Parenthood Exploits Teens: Planned Parenthood not only exploits teens, but it targets them. In this brochure, we explain the lies repeatedly told by PP and its supporters in order to increase its revenue. It is imperative that teens understand the truth about PP’s selfish and hedonistic motives and the reasons why they should not believe these lies. SHOP NOW
Pro-Life Social Media
Honoring the Lord When Giving to Charity
Being responsible stewards for the gifts God has given us includes giving back to God what He has given us—most especially the money we are gifted with. How are we to know if the nonprofits that benefit from our gifts are working to glorify God or whether they are cooperating with the culture of death?
American Life League’s Charity Watchlist helps donors navigate nonprofits’ policies, behaviors, and hiring practices to better guide them in their decisions to give. Hugh Brown, executive vice president of American Life League, spoke with Janet Parshall on her radio program to discuss how faithful Christians can benefit from ALL’s research into charitable organizations.