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Planned Parenthood’s Founder, and Planned Parenthood Today

The strain is really beginning to show in the halls of the nation’s largest abortion chain. In a desperate attempt to remain relevant in today’s America, Planned Parenthood is sounding a little crazy. First, its president, Cecile Richards, said in an op-ed on, “Women’s reproductive rights (abortion) are essential to our country’s economic success.” Did you get that? She is claiming America’s economic success is dependent upon Planned Parenthood.

Then, in another statement by Richards, Planned Parenthood inserted itself into the question of whether or not illegal immigrants should be deported. For the record, PP is against the deportation of illegal immigrants, preferring instead to accept these illegals as customers who will add to its bottom-line profits, as PP gets paid by government programs to “provide services.” The American people are realizing that Planned Parenthood serves no useful purpose and the organization is trying to look important.

American Life League’s Culture of Life Studies Program launched a new Facebook page this week. The page announced the upcoming release of a new groundbreaking, educational video series for high school students about Margaret Sanger and how she changed America’s mind about birth control. Who Was the Real Margaret Sanger? focuses on the founder of Planned Parenthood, her ideas, and her plans for a “better breed” of humanity. Sanger’s racist and eugenicist agenda included sterilization or segregation for all people whom she deemed “unfit” to have children. Her campaign for birth control eventually led to the decriminalization of abortion.

Margaret Sanger wasn’t the champion of women’s rights that the pro-abortion side proclaims. And though she was just one woman, her determination to spread the culture of death helped America legalize contraceptives and eventually decriminalize abortion.

Margaret Sanger is far from gone. It is because of Sanger that Planned Parenthood’s sex programs today force-feed students perverse ideas about human sexuality and encourage sexual promiscuity. Sanger would be proud of her legacy. It is up to us to stop Planned Parenthood from ruining our children.

Students deserve to know the truth about Planned Parenthood, the vile things it does behind closed doors, and how this organization has its roots in eugenics and racism. Who Was the Real Margaret Sanger? arms students with the truth so that they can be witnesses of the gospel of life.

You can watch the trailer for Who Was the Real Margaret Sanger? in the Featured Video section of this e-newsletter.