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From the U.S. Congress to Your Living Room, Planned Parenthood is topic #1

The Judiciary Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives held the first of what is intended to be a series of meetings concerning the revelations of Planned Parenthood’s illegal activities. The session was relatively short and neither the Center for Medical Progress nor Planned Parenthood was invited to testify. Rather, testimony was given from two women who survived abortions, a pro-life lawyer, and a pro-abortion Yale university law professor. This was, by all accounts, a preliminary hearing and we should expect much more in the future.

Meanwhile, pro-life efforts across the country are in high gear. Pro-Life Action Ministries had a very successful “Firestorm Rally” outside the governor’s residence in Minnesota. It is reported that 1,500 people demonstrated in St. Paul this week. The rally was calling on the governor to stop accepting Planned Parenthood’s assurances of no wrongdoing and launch a comprehensive investigation into PP’s operations.

In California, the Sanctity of Human Life Network kicked off its Project Truth Fall College Campus Tour. This activity will cover nine colleges in California between now and the first week of November. SOHLNET is bringing the message of life and hope to these campuses to counter the culture of death missives that the college students are exposed to on a continual basis.

Claims about the importance of Planned Parenthood to women’s health are being discussed everywhere these days—claims that simply are not true. In a recent statement on The View, Joy Behar said: “”Planned Parenthood does abortions for 3 percent of the people who come to them. The rest is women’s health. And that percent is not federally funded, so nobody’s tax money is being used for abortions.”

THE FACTS are that Planned Parenthood claims to have 2,680,000 unique customers and commits 327,653 abortions. Simple math says that 12 percent of the people who come to PP clinics get abortions (never mind that abortions provide over 50 percent of its clinic income). In addition, the federal government uses taxpayer money to pay PP for “life of the mother, rape, and incest” abortions, and 17 states use taxpayer money to pay PP for most, if not all, abortions.

Government money pays to kill a lot of children.