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Preposterous Panacea

The birth control pill came on the scene in 1960 and has, in the intervening 48 years, become the magic bullet for organizations like Planned Parenthood, for belief systems like secular humanism and for pharmaceutical profiteers the world over. In fact, if you pay attention to the buzz on the street these days, you would think that the pill is similar to the fountain of youth.
In a recent article published by the most notorious newspaper of record, the New York Times, we learn that the pill may be just "marvelous, darling" but it really isn't curtailing those pesky unwanted pregnancies the way some would like. As one epidemiologist told the Times, "To have a significant effect you have to use a product very consistently."
This is a powerful statement because it tells us that even though these marketers have had a half century to get their act together, all that has happened is that more pills are being sold to less responsible people. They are being purchased by younger and younger customers who have enough trouble getting up on time, let alone remembering to faithfully ingest something or carry something with them for that occasion when such items are a "must have."

Knowing this and the deadly risks of such haphazardness is crucial for our effort to expose the birth control industry's sordid underbelly. When you read articles like this one and realize that when all else fails, the hormone honchos will resort to false claims such as telling consumers that the pill will reduce the risk of cancer, improve the health of mothers-to-be, ease cramps or enhance one's complexion, then you know they are desperate. But as the article says, "It's nice to have a medical excuse for using birth control."
To my mind, with all the research out there linking the pill to cancer, blood clotting, heart disease and more, it would appear that nothing is off limits, including bold-faced deception, to encourage the young to be even less responsible, less able to develop self-respect and less aware of the real health values of chastity and purity. But when dealing with birth control manufacturers and their legion of foot soldiers, we cannot forget that in the push to promote sex as a simple function of the body rather than a gift one should reserve for marriage, anything goes. Truth goes out the window, concern for future health and total well-being goes south, and what is left is the wasteland of teen pregnancy, HIV, over 20 different types of sexually transmitted diseaseviolent acts against those babies who do make it past the pill and grow in their mother's wombs and aberrant fathers of babies nobody intends to love and raise in a normal home.
You don't have to look too far to see what I am talking about. Pick up a local newspaper  or go talk to a high school group. You'll get the picture.
By the way, if you think these people are going to sit around and be satisfied with the panoply of products they currently have in their bag of tricks, you would be terribly wrong. For as the article in question notes in closing, "The holy grail is a drug that would specifically target the ovaries and testes that would have no effect on any other organ system, so they would be side-effect free."

"Holy grail"? While such a comment is irreverent, it exposes exactly how these people perceive the practice of birth control and the possibilities that await a hoped-for baby-free generation!