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Peace and Justice? I Don’t Think So!

It's the Fourth of July and a group of allegedly Catholic Democrats have taken their stand. They have released a letter calling on the Catholic bishops to help end the war in Iraq.

Now, let me see. Who signed the letter?As far as I have been able to find out so far, the following members of Congress are included:

Rosa L. Delauro (D-Conn.)
Tim Ryan (D-Ohio)
Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio)
Jose E. Serrano (D- N.Y.)
James Moran (D-Va)

Among these signatories nary a one defends the right of the preborn child to live. They would not lift a finger nor would they take a stand to end the war in the womb.

Yet these same politicians wrote in their letter to the bishops, "In our education in the faith, we find the testimony of the Scriptures compelling, and although we have no illusions about the complexities of our current situation in Iraq, we have come to believe that peace cannot simply exist as an ideal — our efforts must be accompanied by actions as we embrace the teachings of peace and justice."

If the brash hypocrisy of such a statement has not struck you as yet, just think about this simple statement of Mother Teresa's: "The greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child."