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Murder Or Choice?

The horrific story of Nicole Marie Beecroft and the tragic fate of her newborn baby is a shocking story and a dire warning.

Nicole Marie Beecroft was in her ninth month of pregnancy when she experienced strange sensations one day, and subsequently gave birth to a little girl. What happened next defies logic. Nicole, age 17, stabbed her newborn child 135 times and then disposed of the body in a garbage bag which she placed in a garbage can outside her home.

Her mother did not know Nicole was with child. Nicole apparently did not realize that her cruel, inhumane act would result in a charge of murder and bail that has been set at one million dollars.

And while the psychologists will have a field day with this case once it gets to court, there is a simple question that must be asked. What is the difference between the horror of what Nicole did to her daughter and what an abortionist does, under cover of law, to a preborn child? 

Isn't murder always the same? Isn't such a grisly act always wrong?

Could it be that Nicole simply acted out what she felt was permissible because she knew that an abortionist would have done the same thing? Was she under the impression that a woman's choice could be made at any time, even after a baby is born? Did she think that an "unwanted pregnancy" could be eliminated either before or after birth?

Nobody knows the answers to these questions, of course, but it should give us pause to reflect on what happens after 34 years of publicly defending a woman's-a mother's-right to control her own body. 

When a 17 year old girl like Nicole grows up in a culture that consistently expresses a view that a pregnant woman should be the only one to decide whether or not she wants to be pregant, could that message have such a profound affect on a young girl that she would resort to such a despicable act?

Nicole Marie Beecroft now stands accused of murder. But had she paid an abortionist to solve her problem, she would never have been charged with a crime at all. Something is definitely wrong with this picture.