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Archbishop Raymond Burke Is Our Hero!

It was with great sadness that I read the media reports about the scandalous comments that were made by those organizing an event to benefit the Bob Costas Cancer Center at the Cardinal Glennon Children's Medical center in St. Louis. This Catholic charity has invited pro-abortion singer Cheryl Crowe to entertain at their event on Saturday. Its organizers feel no obligation whatsoever to examine the possibility that having a pro-abortion "star" sends a mixed message to the public.

However, the archbishop of St. Louis begs to differ.

Archbishop Raymond Burke wasted no time in letting the public know his view. During a news conference, he denounced the event and resigned from the charity's board.

He explained that his decision was painful, but that "I have to answer to God for my responsibility as archbishop."

His heroic statement was met with disrespect by the organizers of the event, including Allen Allred who said "This is not an event that's about ideology."

What disturbs me about that comment is that the direct killing of a child in the womb is a deadly act, not some philosophical comment suggsting someone's ideological persuasion. What in the world is wrong with these people!

As Archbishop Burke said, "A Catholic institution featuring a performer who promotes moral evil gives the impression that the Church is somehow inconsistent in its teaching."

Bravo, Archbishop Burke. We admire your courageous defense of truth and pray that God continues to bless you in every way.

As I have written in my book, "Saving Those Damned Catholics," if we had more Catholic bishops who consistently defended the truth, from the pulpit and in the public square, we would soon see an end to the killing of preborn babies.