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A Nurse With A Mission

Lolita Hanks, R.N. is one of the most delightful people I have ever met. She is dedicated to the principles that affirm human beings as persons; these are the same principles that make supporters of the culture of death shudder. Lolita is, at her core, a living example of what it means to take your confidence in the dignity of the human person into the public square where good can and does overcome evil.

Recently Lolita launched a new outreach to help people choose how they want themselves and their loved ones to be treated when facing serious illness or death. Describing herself as a consumer healthcare consultant, she sets forth a few points she believes will be of great benefit to families. Once you have reviewed them, you are certainly welcome to contact her for further information or if you have questions. Her e-mail address is

How to Prevent the Euthanasia of a Loved One in a Medical Setting

  1. Pray, pray and pray. Pray for wisdom and guidance in making medical decisions for your loved one.
  1. Contact your pastor for spiritual support and your church family so they can also be praying.
  1. Be there for your loved one, no matter how hard their condition and/or suffering is for you to experience. Seriously ill and/or dying people are often the most neglected and lonely people. Also, you want to be a presence at the facility to prevent any foul play by staff who may believe they have good intentions, but whose misguided intentions could have deadly consequences.

    Ingratiate yourself with the staff; make them your allies with your kindness. Ask information about them. This will give you insight into their worldview/belief system. Be helpful in providing care for your loved one and learn how to provide care.

  2. Ask a lot of questions.
  3. Use the hospital library, which will have a computer, and also ask a librarian questions in order to learn more about medical terms, conditions and/or medications that you do not know about.
  1. Keep detailed documentation by using a spiral notebook for each day.
  1. DO NOT leave your loved one unattended for any time period, especially at night.
  1. Have a log of questions ready when the doctor makes rounds; be aware that they show up whenever they want to.


American Life League is grateful to Lolita for this forthright checklist that we should all become familiar with.
I also recommend the following helpful material. These documents will educate you and familiarize you with certain terms such ordinary versus extraordinary methods of treatment. Your willingness to learn about these matters now could save someone’s life or at the very least provide you with peace of mind.
What should I ask my local hospice? (Read)
Life, Life Support and Death (Read)

Vatican Declaration on Euthanasia

As the nation appears to become increasingly more concerned about dollar bills than human lives, it is crucial that we focus attention on the inestimable value of a person regardless of age, health or specific condition. The “cost” of caring for a loved one should never be measured in dollars and cents. When we understand this within the context of our own family, the leadership provided by people like Lolita Hanks, R.N. becomes invaluable. Each of us can be eternally grateful to her for her courage.