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Why I Am Pro-Life

Louisa won first place in Category 1 of the Culture of Life Studies Program’s Pro-Life Essay Contest. Read her winning essay below.

By Louisa Burke, grade 4

Before I was born, the doctors thought maybe I would not be able to walk. My parents prayed, but they knew they would keep me and love me even if my legs did not work. When I was born my legs did work. I was perfectly healthy. I am glad my parents are pro-life because I could have been killed if they were not. I think it is important to be pro-life, because, as a Catholic Christian, I am called to love and respect others. Being pro-life means that I respect life—every life. Some people don’t respect the lives of preborn babies or homeless people or people who are disabled or children who come from families that can’t take care of them. Sometimes people need support. And babies need love and care. They all matter. We can respect others in many ways. My family fosters children, supports a local crisis pregnancy center, and feeds the homeless.

Fostering babies is very hard and some of the children are very traumatized. We take care of them until they go to their forever family, even if it isn’t their biological family. Being a foster family is difficult, but not as difficult as being a foster child. Our very first placement was a boy, age 2, and his 11-month-old sister. They came to us in the middle of the night. When I stepped into the kitchen in the morning, my new little sister gave me a huge smile. Her big brother, on the other hand, was a wreck. He loved lots of noise and making big messes. He had been through a lot. He threw a lot of temper tantrums and hurt himself sometimes. Now both children are doing great and are being adopted by a nice loving family. We had a huge impact on their life. And we are so happy they are doing well. We have taken in three more children since then. Our newest placement is a two-year-old girl. She is bossy and tiring but adorable and lovable too. She likes to play with me best. Being a foster sister is challenging. Some people ask if it is fun. I answer, “No, it is not fun. I wouldn’t call it fun.” The kids are so cute but such a handful. Being a big sister is really hard, but it is worth it because little siblings are so lovable. And our foster babies love us as much as we love them. Being a foster family is not just long-term babysitting. We are making a family for the children who need it. I think being a foster family is the best way to be pro-life and the best way to take up my cross like Jesus.

We support the local crisis pregnancy center by donating things they might need, like baby formula. Every year we go to its walk for life. We raise money and walk for the babies. I feel like it is important because every baby should be safe. My brother works in the office at the pregnancy center. My sister volunteers at its daycare and helps out there. Hopefully, when I am old enough, I will volunteer at the daycare too.

We feed the homeless by giving out food for them. We make sandwiches for them. I am happy to make the sandwiches, but sometimes I’d rather be reading or playing. My family makes sandwiches and feeds the homeless because they need to eat too. It is good to feed the hungry. Some people don’t respect the life of the homeless, but you can’t be pro-life without respecting all life.

I am pro-life because I love babies. I would never want a baby to get hurt. They should be safe. Babies are a blessing from God that will hopefully grow up to be good people. My family fosters babies and supports a pregnancy center and gives food to the homeless. We not only help children, but we also help their parents. I am very pro-life.

This article is property of the Culture of Life Studies Program, has been reprinted with permission, and can be found at