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Hated Super Bowl Commercials?

By Emily Brown

With the excitement of Super Bowl 50 dying down, we now hear countless people discussing and sharing their opinions of the best commercials. If you are like I am, you enjoyed the commercials almost as much as the game. We know that companies have been planning all year long to put their very best commercials out there for debut on this festive night.

Yet, while you and I were enjoying the commercials, NARAL Pro-Choice America—a major anti-life organization—was vocally critiquing just about every great one.

Remember the Hyundai commercial where the father tracks his daughter’s date with the use of his car GPS?

I sat down next to my father and laughed aloud during this. While we were laughing, NARAL was hate tweeting:

I guess the organization can’t take a joke? A father being protective over his little girl, yeah that’s terrible. Obviously the commercial was exaggerated, and I am certainly not condoning dads stalking their daughters, but that’s why it was FUNNY! Take a joke NARAL!

The tweets didn’t stop there. Remember the Buick commercial with the wedding bouquet?

NARAL read, yet again, WAY too much into this commercial. Apparently a woman jumping for a wedding bouquet is crazy? Have you ever been to a wedding?

Here’s the kicker. One of the top Super Bowl commercials was the Doritos ad where a couple happily watches their growing baby on a sonogram. The father is eating Doritos and the preborn baby reaches for them, then decides to send Mom into labor so he can have some! Guess what? NARAL didn’t find this one funny either.

Apparently, honestly showing how a preborn child looks while living in his mother’s womb is wrong! And throwing a joke in about Doritos being delicious is also wrong. And having a mother close to the end of her pregnancy is wrong too. Oh boy!

Now I have saved the best for last! After the montage of ranting tweets, NARAL had the audacity to tweet its love for the Super Bowl baby ads.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Did I miss something here? Didn’t the organization just denigrate most of the family-oriented commercials including the sonogram one?

NARAL claims to “protect women,” yet tells them they must have abortions since they do not have the strength to have children. Then it advocates for the death of preborn women through abortion. And then it showers its praises on the ads featuring babies. None of this makes any sense.

So, with these comments in mind, we can all get a good laugh from the contradictory messages being sent. But let us not laugh too long, for there is much work to be done to change this mindset.

Emily Brown, the granddaughter of Judie Brown, graduated magna cum laude from Mount St. Mary’s University with a bachelor’s degree in special and elementary education and a minor in theology in May 2015. She is the director of ALL’s new youth department, ALL Life Defenders. She plans on educating and collaborating with young adults throughout the country to empower the new generation to respect all life from creation to death!