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Five Pro-Life Films for Families with Teens

The Culture of Life Studies Program continually looks for new ways to bring you the culture of life. While some popular media do not support a culture of life, it is important to recognize the films that do show the value of human life. As children grow older, we must teach them discernment when it comes to movies and media. What better way than family movie night!

Here are five great life-affirming films to spark discussions with your teen.

KingsSpeechImageThe King’s Speech (2010)

With the advent of the radio and the increasing need for the royal family to speak to the British public as Europe falls under the threat of war with Germany, Prince Albert must learn to overcome his fear and his disability in order to unite England and defeat Hitler. The King’s Speech is a powerful film about friendship and overcoming disabilities.

Download our free study guide here.

To Kill a Mockingbird free study guideTo Kill a Mockingbird (1962)

Atticus Finch is a lawyer and a devoted father who has become known for his ability stand up for truth and justice. When Atticus is asked to defend a black man who is wrongfully accused of rape, his belief in the value of every human being is put to the test. To Kill a Mockingbird is a powerful story of the fight for justice in the face of prejudice.

Download our free discussion guide here.

bellaBella (2006)

Former soccer player turned chef, José is a quiet man working in his brother’s restaurant. When his coworker Nina is fired, José comes to her defense and takes her on an unforgettable journey through New York City. As José teaches Nina about the value of every human life, he is able to find healing from his mysterious past. Bella is a profound pro-life film that teaches a valuable lesson about forgiveness and redemption.

Download our free study guide here.

The Magic of Ordinary DaysThe Magic of Ordinary Days (2005)

When Livy Dunne discovers that she is pregnant out of wedlock, her father arranges her marriage to a simple farmer, Ray Singleton. At first, Livy despises her life on the farm, believing that her professional dreams of becoming an archaeologist are lost forever. But when she strikes up an unlikely friendship, Livy finds her place in the world in an unexpected way. The Magic of Ordinary Days explores the meaning of love, forgiveness, and redemption.

Download our free discussion guide here.

TheBlindSideThe Blind Side (2009)

When the Tuohys offer troubled teenager, Michael Oher, a place to sleep on a cold, November night, little do they realize how much their lives will change. The Tuohys hope to give Michael a family and help him be a successful football player, but as time goes on, Michael also helps the Tuohys understand the value of possessions, the meaning of gratitude, and the love of family. The Blind Side is based on a true story and teaches about compassion, family life, and the power of a second chance.

Download our free study guide here.

Looking for more movies and discussion guides? Visit our Life Themes in Entertainment database at And check out our newest study guide on the movie Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer, which offers insights and quotes by producer and cowriter Ann McElhinney of the and Cheryl Sullenger from to provide you and your family with an informative and engaging pro-life lesson.

The Culture of Life Studies Program stresses the culture of life as an integral part of every academic discipline. CLSP is dedicated to helping students become effective communicators of the pro-life message. Sign up for our e-mail newsletter to see how we can help you foster a culture of life at home and in school.

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