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Five Easy Ways to Honor Those with Disabilities

By Emily Brown

Life Defenders will kick off #SeeDignity for people with disabilities on December 3. On this day, we are calling for people all over the nation to perform one act of kindness for a person with a disability. This is our small way of showing the world that every human being has dignity and deserves the utmost respect.

Join us in taking our pro-life values to the next level by honoring those with disabilities. Here are five easy ways you can honor some amazing people!

1. Clean the yard of a neighbor who cannot clean it himself.

Cleaning the yard or even helping carry groceries is a beautiful way to show another person love.

2. Design an awareness poster with #SeeDignity or simply print off ours!

This is an easy way to demonstrate support for those with disabilities while spreading awareness to your school or community!

3. Sit with a student with disabilities at lunch or on the bus.

Take a few minutes to spend some time with a fellow classmate who has a disability. Everyone appreciates it when another person goes out of his way to make someone feel loved.

4.Leave a kind note on someone’s door, locker, or car.

This is as simple as it gets, and you know that by doing this small act of kindness you will bring joy to another human being.

5. Babysit a child with special needs—FOR FREE!

Give parents a little break by reaching out to care for their son or daughter. This act of kindness demonstrates love for both the child and his parents.

Choose one of these acts—or think of one of your own—and go out and SeeDignity on Saturday, December 3, because we should show the world that we see dignity in every person’s life!

Emily Brown, the granddaughter of Judie Brown, graduated magna cum laude from Mount St. Mary’s University with a bachelor’s degree in special and elementary education and a minor in theology in May 2015. She is the director of ALL’s new youth department, ALL Life Defenders. She plans on educating and collaborating with young adults all over the country to empower the new generation to respect all life from creation to death!