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A Dad Reflects on His Amazing Daughter Who Refused to Accept the Limitations Predicted by her Doctors

By Kurt Kondrich

As 2015 [has recently drawn] to a close I have been thinking about the amazing seeds my beautiful daughter Chloe has planted during her 12 years on this earth. She has taught countless people that each human being is a priceless gift with incredible ABILITIES, and she has shown her father the true meaning of life, love, and faith. And she has taught me how the piercing light of unconditional love chases away much darkness.

Chloe started 7th grade at her neighborhood middle school this year, and she is having an awesome year of learning and reading at grade level. Chloe participates in many community activities including baseball, volleyball, dance class, and she loves worshipping at her church.

In just 12 years Chloe has been featured on and in a book; had her picture on the big screen in Times Square three times; appeared in two episodes of the national TV series Facing Life Head On; has been featured in several magazine, newspaper, and online media articles; has met many statewide and national policymakers including five governors; has been on the floors of the US and PA Capitols; and she even had a law named after her, “Chloe’s Law,” which she signed with then-Pennsylvania governor Corbett. This past year Chloe was honored at a large event with the Pittsburgh Business Times Health Care Heroes Award for advocacy, and she met many healthcare leaders and innovators.

All of this would be truly remarkable for any 12-year-old daughter, but I forgot to mention that my Chloe was born in 2003 with a diagnosis of Down syndrome. Early on we were told of Chloe’s disability and the things she could not do, but my daughter had other plans to focus the world on her ABILITES and the bright light individuals with Down syndrome bring into this world. When I learned that up to 90 percent of children like Chloe are targeted and eliminated once identified prenatally, I left my career as a police officer and made it my life’s mission to serve and protect these precious amazing children.

Please take time in 2016 to connect with a person with Down syndrome. The purity, innocence, and unconditional love they spread is something this lost culture of death and deception desperately needs.

ALL lives, including Down syndrome lives, matter!

Kurt Kondrich is the father of a beautiful daughter who has Down syndrome and who has been a priceless blessing to his family and community. When Kurt became aware of the higher than 90 percent abortion rate for children prenatally diagnosed with Down syndrome, he literally could not sleep at night. In early August 2008, he had a disturbing dream about people with disabilities being exterminated and, after praying, he came up with the name SADSIN (Stop Aborting Down Syndrome Individuals Now) for a web site to defend and protect children with Down syndrome. He has since embarked on a mission to make sure people are aware of this genocide. He wants people to see the beautiful faces of our kids and realize the priceless blessings and gifts they are to a society that has lost focus.

This article has been reprinted with permission and can be found at