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Death after abortion

Dr. David Reardon of the Elliot Institute reports that a group of international health experts have published a study disclosing that 94 percent of maternal deaths associated with abortion are not identifiable from death certificates alone.

Robotic Roberts

Just like a mime, Roberts took the party line during hearings by saying that Roe v. Wade/Doe v. Bolton is “settled law,” but he avoided saying how he might rule. Of course nobody can say how he would rule because a particular case would first have to be under consideration by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Birth, death and morality

Funny how articles about “unwed women” are never properly focused on the role of a mother and the need for the innocent child to have the benefit of a two parent home.

Kansas AG looks for truth

We applaud Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline for doing all he can to acquire the abortion records of young girls who may well have been victims of criminal rape.

Bork gets it right

In a recent interview Judge Robert Bork made it perfectly clear that regardless of whether or not Judge John Roberts makes it to the U.S. Supreme Court, Roe v. Wade/Doe v. Bolton is not going to be overturned any time soon, if ever.

Hurricane relief repulsive

The Planned Parenthood offer of birth control “services” to people who do not even have a source of food, warmth and temporary housing reaks to the high heavens.

Morning-after death

It is amazing to me that the federal Food and Drug Administration has chosen to postpone any decision on the morning-after abortion pills being made available over the counter.

Where’s Wyatt Earp when you need him?

In Maricopa County Arizona the sheriff denied a female inmate the abortion she desired. His position is, though flawed, that “you lose a lot of rights when you’re in jail, whether it’s trying to get an abortion or watching R-rated movies.”