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ACTION ALERT: Statutory Rape-Hiding Planned Parenthood to Receive Thousands: Help Stop Misuse of Tax Dollars

Planned Parenthood of Southwest Ohio, fighting right now at the Ohio Supreme Court for the right to protect child rapists – the same Planned Parenthood promoting the twisted site and the same Planned Parenthood targeting two high schools in a minority neighborhood – will likely receive thousands more from Hamilton County if you don’t do something to stop it.

Recent Media Skullduggery

It’s with ever-increasing frequency that I read about things that should be on the front page of America’s newspapers and the lead story on television news programs

Ritter, Personhood And Deception

I am always concerned when public figures who claim to be Catholic make a point of denying Church teaching, or even worse, misrepresenting it for political gain. This is particularly true when the question involves the identity of the preborn child and his inherent right to life.

The ‘God Moment’ At The Supreme Court

If you have visited the American Life League web site in the past day, you have seen the video of our own Marie Hahnenberg and know that our annual Pro-Life Memorial Day observance in front of the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. was a tremendous success.