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Rock for Life Adds Country Star Gretchen Peters to Boycott List

Washington, D.C. (8 October 2008) – Rock for Life, the county's largest youth-led pro-life music and ministry organization, has added country music singer-songwriter Gretchen Peters to the group's abortion boycott list.

Peters announced she would give all royalties from the popular song "Independence Day" to Planned Parenthood for the duration of the presidential campaign. The country star also provided fans a link to donate to Planned Parenthood from her web site.

"A woman supporting women's rights by donating to Planned Parenthood is like PETA supporting animal rights by donating to Kentucky Fried Chicken. Planned Parenthood does not care about women or children," said Erik Whittington, national director of Rock for Life, a project of American Life League. "Does she not know that she is aiding and abetting an organization that kills thousands of preborn babies each year, pushes pornography onto children, covers for rapists and lies to women?"

Rock for Life asked supporters to boycott the sale of Peter's music and requests that radio stations stop broadcasting her songs. They also asked members to write Gretchen Peters' managers at 
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 and voice outrage for Peters' support of an organization that hurts women, kills babies, sexualizes kids and protects child rapists.

"Pray for Gretchen Peters, that she sees how evil Planned Parenthood is, and that she has a change of heart." Whittington told supporters."Planned Parenthood does not care about women or children."

Rock for Life, a project of American Life League, is directed by Erik Whittington and works with hundreds of bands and thousands of pro-life youth who advocate for life using music to engage, educate and equip our culture.

LIFE. Not for judgment, not for control, but for a better world.

American Life League was cofounded in 1979 by Judie Brown. It is the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to death. For more information or media inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at 540.659.4942.



American Life League: Rock for Life

Gretchen Peters: Independence Day Release (4 October 2008)