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A Tribute to Father Kenneth Walker, FSSP (1985-2014)

An amazing man and priest tragically lost his life last week at the hands of a disturbed individual. Let us not reflect upon the wickedness of this murder, but upon the life Father Walker led, and upon the light he brought to this world when he lived. It is only then will we see the light and hand of Christ.

A Planned Parenthood Parable

Planned Parenthood tries with all its might to persuade people to its side, to lead them to think and believe that there is nothing wrong with aborting a child. The organization has even brought in “clergy” to attempt to justify its own agenda. Planned Parenthood does not want you to know the truth. In fact, PP is scared that you will find out the truth.

The Pill Kills Families

The destruction of the family is one of the greatest disasters of the last century. It has happened subtly, almost silently, and now we are left with the carnage. How will we alter the path that so many seem so willing to travel? Will we raise our voices in protest? If we want to make changes and save lives and souls, we must.

Challenging Children to Chastity

Parents are the first teachers their children will ever have. But once these children enter the world of school and peers, there are other influences that are pressed upon them. For too long, parents have handed off education responsibilities to others and have remained blind as to what the children are seeing, allowing harmful and potentially fatal subjects to be taught to them. It is time for parents to take responsibility and arm children with the abilities to make moral decisions.