Our Morally Fractured Society
Much has been written about Pope Francis’ interviews and insights in last few days.
Much has been written about Pope Francis’ interviews and insights in last few days.
With all the recent debate about Pope Francis’ interview, one is left wondering if the Catholic Church has lost its zeal for truth.
By Rob Gasper
Does the Church need to adapt to modern times? Judging from the spate of headlines after Pope Francis’ “bombshell” interview, it rather seems that the modern world needs to adapt to the Church.
Catholic Relief Services is one of the most obvious paradoxes in current speech. Even while CRS strives to bring aid to help the poorest of the poor, its work is ultimately undone by the very organizations CRS is funding.
Recent headlines detail a rather confusing, but not surprising, situation involving Cardinal Timothy Dolan, archbishop of the Archdiocese of New York City, and New York state governor, Andrew Cuomo.
The past few days have revealed an emerging trend which should be heartening to faithful Catholics who have for so long yearned for good news.
By Rita Diller
Four days before he was elected to the papacy, then-Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio said that the next pope must be one who will bring the Church out of itself and set the laity on the path of evangelization.
-In a letter to the bishops of Argentina sent in late March, Pope Francis directed them to govern the Church there following the Aparecida Document.
As we begin our Good Friday contemplations, our hearts are filled with sorrow.
When the Obama White House first announced that pro-abortion Catholic vice president Joe Biden would lead the United States delegation to the inaugural Mass for Pope Francis, a collective gasp was followed by a prayer that the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops would make a public statement clarifying why the vice president could not receive the Eucharist.
There have been some remarkable occurrences in the Catholic Church in recent days.
Judie Brown, president of American Life League and three-time appointee to the Pontifical Academy for Life