Maggie, We Really Do Know You!
When we know the truth about the nefarious actions of an organization, we cannot sit idly by and do nothing. Education is of utmost importance if we are to combat its evil.
When we know the truth about the nefarious actions of an organization, we cannot sit idly by and do nothing. Education is of utmost importance if we are to combat its evil.
Margaret Sanger exposed in groundbreaking educational video series for high schoolers
Excitement grows as the Culture of Life Studies Program grows closer to the release of a vital teaching tool.
This week we saw senseless loss of life and grieved for and with our fellow Americans, but we also rejoiced in the blessings of those striving to live the culture of life.
History remembers Margaret Sanger as the founder of Planned Parenthood and hails her as a champion of women’s rights.
As we witness Planned Parenthood celebrate its roots, let us celebrate life by prayerfully and peacefully opposing this immoral organization.
ALL’s Culture of Life Studies Program excitedly announces the release of our highly anticipated video series Who Was the Real Margaret Sanger?
An oft-quoted anecdote says that if you put a frog in a pot of boiling water, he will jump out.
Margaret Sanger created the organization that today kills millions of preborn babies. Educate yourself in the truth about this woman and Planned Parenthood.
We must not allow fear over a virus to take over and cause the death of even more preborn babies.
The actions of just one person can have a tremendous and devastating impact.
Did you know that the lies of Planned Parenthood started with a woman named Margaret Sanger?