Week in Review – Florida County to Consider Status as “Sanctuary City for the Unborn” and Grant Program for Moms in Need
The news of Lubbock, Texas’, status as a “sanctuary city for the unborn” is spreading like wildfire and inspiring other city officials to implement the same law in their towns.
One example is Manatee County, Florida. At a county board meeting on Tuesday, Commissioner James Satcher was given the go-ahead to explore options to make their town a “sanctuary city.”
A local Patch article reports that Satcher referenced the Lubbock abortion law as an example of how to proceed. As explained in last week’s Pro-Life this Week, Lubbock, Texas, passed an ordinance that prohibits any abortions from being performed within Lubbock city limits. This went into effect on June 1, 2021.
However, it is not the abortion ban that has Planned Parenthood riled up, it’s Section F of the ordinance which authorizes certain individuals to bring civil lawsuits against “any person or entity who commits” an abortion within city limits.
It is the fear of lawsuits that has driven Planned Parenthood out of town in Lubbock, and now Manatee, Florida, wishes to do the same.
Satcher also proposed the idea of a grant program for children who were saved by Manatee’s crisis pregnancy programs.
The same Patch article quotes Satcher’s remarks to the board: “Basically, it works as an incentive or at least something to make things a little bit easier,” he said. “If you were in the position where you were seriously considering not having that baby, then we would have something that helps them keep that baby and take care of it.”
ALL in the News – Herd Immunity Study Still in the Headlines; ALL Live Stream Exposes Planned Parenthood Hypocrisy
Early this week, a reporter from The College Fix asked for a comment from American Life League regarding Dr. Kyle McKenna’s herd immunity study, for which ALL provided grant funding. The study developed COVID antibody tests free of aborted fetal cell lines to determine to what extent the Steubenville University campus has reached herd immunity.
Every Friday afternoon, the American Life League social media team, Dwain Currier and Katie Brown, host the Friday Live Show on Instagram Live. Last week, the duo discussed misleading tweets from Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood claims to want unlimited birth control access, yet continuously denounces legal attempts to grant birth control over-the-counter access. The Live stream also gave viewers a list of five pro-life ways to make 2021 the best summer ever. The show regularly discusses current events and provides young adults a platform where they can have their culture of life questions answered. Replays of the show can be found on Facebook.

Twice a week, Judie Brown’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s Tuesday commentary, Babies Are Not Biohazards, was featured on the front page of ALL.org. Each commentary is also featured as a part of Judie’s recurring column on Renew America.

Jim Sedlak’s Pro-Life Activism from Creation to Death is a weekly talk-radio program on the Radio Maria USA network. The show can be heard live every Friday at noon (Eastern Time) and is repeated on Saturdays (10 PM).
Video of the Week – Five things to do throughout summer to make 2021 the best one yet
Are you having the best summer ever? Better than 2020, perhaps? Katie Brown offers pro-life advocates five tips for making this year’s hot months the best pro-life summer.
Action Item of the Week – Pro-Life Summer Camp is Open for Business!
Catholic Fit Moms for Life is using Culture of Life Studies Program materials in its Pro-Life Summer Camp!
Catholic Fit Moms for Life is a community of Catholic moms who have joined the movement of holiness through wellness and who support the culture of life. This summer, the group is hosting online/virtual clubs for girls ages 10-12 and 13-15.
Called the Mighty Precious Girls Virtual Club, this pro-life summer camp will consist of age-appropriate discussion, using the lives of the saints, two books, and two movies created by the Culture of Life Studies Program.
Discussions will focus on giving the girls a firm understanding of what it means to be pro-life and how to live the pro-life message by following the examples of pro-life saints and heroes.
This awesome program just began, but it’s not too late to jump in! Visit the Mighty Precious Girls Virtual Club website to join! The camp runs until July 29, 2021.
Pro-life Social Media – ‘Now I Burn’: Catholics for Choice Continues with Meaningless Tweets
Planned Parenthood’s Twitter hasn’t had much controversial content of late. Perhaps it’s too busy trying to clean up its racist history or licking its wounds from a failed lawsuit. Seems Catholics for Choice is stealing the spotlight for tweeting the most hot-takes.
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— Catholics for Choice (@Catholic4Choice) June 10, 2021
| 68% of U.S. Catholics |
| oppose overturning |
| Roe v. Wade. |
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What is it with Catholics for Choice’s obsession with polls? If sixty-eight percent of Catholics didn’t believe in Hell, what difference would it make?
We’ve been through this; it doesn’t matter. Entrance into heaven isn’t based on “well, everyone else was doing it!”
— dei gratia (@JackoEdward) June 10, 2021
God doesn’t grade on a curve.
— Catholic Boss Nass (@BossCatholic) June 10, 2021
What would Fulton Sheen do if he were alive today and on Twitter?
If a majority of Catholics didn’t believe in transubstantiation, would we rid that from our beliefs?
— Sam (@wannabefratdude) June 10, 2021
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— Mr. Nash Part 2 (@CDogmatics) June 10, 2021
| I should’ve listened to |
| the magisterium! |
| Now I buurrrrn!! |
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— Gus (@THEbottlecate) June 10, 2021
| The Church is not a |
| democratic republic |
| |
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Oh, we see how this works . . .
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— American Life League (@AmerLifeLeague) June 10, 2021
| 100% of polling of |
| U.S. Catholics is |
| irrelevant to moral truths. |
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