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Pro-Life This Week May 24, 2024

Week in Review

Planned Parenthood’s New Abortion Pill Scheme Strikes Illinois

The following article is an update from ALL’s research department: 

In an NPR report this week, we see that Planned Parenthood is working to provide women in Illinois with even more access to abortion pills without even having to schedule a doctor visit. Planned Parenthood proudly announced that, through its Direct app, if a woman provides an Illinois address and requests the abortion drugs prior to 10 weeks gestation, they can now have the pills mailed to “a house or a hotel.”

On its website, Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region states, “If eligible, your medicine will be shipped to your Illinois address within 1–2 business days. No need to worry about other people knowing your private business — the pills are mailed in discreet packaging that is not marked with Planned Parenthood’s name.” This disturbing admission by Planned Parenthood to deceive mothers into having their preborn babies killed in “private” is not the first and only of its kind. 

According to the article, Planned Parenthood affiliates in Maryland, Washington, and Hawaii also provide mifepristone and misoprostol abortion pills through the Planned Parenthood’s Direct app without the requirement to schedule a doctor’s visit.

Organizations such as Red State Access and Plan C also provide abortion pills through the mail to women, especially in “abortion restricted” states, without any required counseling or medical visits. Many of these providers from other countries send these death pills for free and without a trace. This horrifying reality of accessibility to abortion pills shows us where the pro-abortion movement has been moving toward in fostering a culture of death.

While Planned Parenthood and other abortion companies continue to enable abuse and death in the names of “privacy” and “medical abortion,” ALL continues to combat this by educating and informing on the widespread destruction caused by abortion pills and the harm it causes to preborn children, women, and society.

STOPP Contact Channel Now Open 24/7

Because so many of you asked for it, we have just created a new express email address so you can easily get in touch with us at STOPP. Over the past few months, we have found that people had questions, comments, and other information that they wanted to relay to us.  

The email address will be monitored 24 HOUR A DAY. If you have any questions or tips for us, please send them to

Momentum is building in the fight against Planned Parenthood. In the past three weeks alone we have had four different local pro-lifers contact us so we could begin a plan for working together. 

Don’t hesitate to contact us about getting Planned Parenthood out of your town. We must keep building our army of informed citizens.

Planned Parenthood is an enemy of life, and we need to fight back. We hope to hear from you!

ALL in the News

ALL’s deep dive into the Planned Parenthood annual report reached major media outlets. Katie Brown was invited to speak about the report on One America News Network’s Tipping PointA clip of the show can be seen here.

Susan Ciancio, editor of Celebrate Life Magazine and director of the Culture of Life Studies Program (a pre-K-12 pro-life education program), wrote an article about moral courage in modern times. She wrote an op-ed for The American Thinker on the abortion pill crisis and had an article featured by Catholic World Report entitled “What Can the Women of the Old Testament Teach Us about Mary?” She also had an op-ed published in LifeSiteNews about Harrison Butker’s graduation speech.

Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of 

Pro-Life Education

Culture of Life Studies Program

Blessed Carlo Acutis: Extraordinary in the Ordinary teaches high school students about the short yet impactful life of Blessed Carlo Acutis, a youth who used his exceptional computer skills to create a website cataloging the Catholic Church’s approved Eucharistic miracles. Carlo is a beautiful example of how living an ordinary life can become extraordinary because of faith, love of Jesus in the Eucharist, and generosity toward others. This one-day lesson reinforces students’ understanding of and faith in the True Presence of the Eucharist, it teaches students that holiness can and should be attained through ordinary things, and it guides students as they seek to live a holy life and build a culture that respects all people. ORDER HERE

ALL’s Education Materials

Proudly display this sticker to show the truth: You cannot be Catholic and pro-abortion. Abortion takes the life of a tiny person. This is murder, and it goes against the Fifth Commandment. SHOP NOW

Pro-Life Social Media

Classic Clip: Pro-Abortion Guest Slips Up and Speaks the Truth

In the past, if you made a flub on live television, you didn’t think the mistake would last into perpetuity. The episode would air and viewers would laugh at the moment and soon forget. No one expected a digital age of viral video clips when mistakes could be replayed for generations to come.

We dug into ALL’s archives and digitized an episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show from 1989. ALL’s president, Judie Brown, was one of four guests debating preborn child killing in front of a live and hostile pro-abortion studio audience. In the segment that follows, a pro-life audience member challenges one of Oprah’s pro-abortion guests and asks what, exactly, is it that is being aborted. 

The truth slipped, and we get to enjoy it 35 years later.