Week in Review – 115 Brutally Mutilated Baby Bodies Recovered by Pro-Lifers in Washington, DC; Oklahoma Abortion Ban Sneaks in Exceptions for all Abortions
Two weeks ago in Washington, DC, the bodies of 115 aborted children were recovered by pro-lifers outside of the Washington Surgi-Clinic abortion facility.
This story is continuing to unfold, and, of course, mainstream media is taking every opportunity to divert attention from the bodies of these children.
The pro-lifers obtained these children from a medical waste worker who was taking boxes of “medical waste” to an incineration facility. Upon letting the medical waste worker know what might be in those boxes, he handed them over to the pro-lifers, who promised to give any children inside the boxes a proper burial.
What they found was devastating: the dismembered and intact bodies of 115 preborn children.
The pro-lifers were able to arrange a Catholic burial and naming ceremony for 110 of the babies, whose ages appeared to be first trimester. For the remaining five babies, the pro-lifers attempted to arrange for the Washington, DC, medical examiner to perform autopsies on them, suspecting these five were victims of partial-birth abortions or were possibly even born alive. But what happened instead of autopsies being performed? The DC police seized the five bodies and, as of now, their whereabouts are unknown.
The pro-lifers who recovered the babies, Terrisa Bukovinac and Lauren Handy, belong to the group Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU). The group held a press conference on Tuesday to address the details surrounding the discovery of the babies and how the police obtained the unburied five. During the press conference, footage of the bodies was shown. While the images are graphic, it pulls back the veil on the sheer evil of abortion.
Following the press conference, GOP lawmakers sent a letter to Washington, DC, mayor Muriel Bowser and the Department of Justice demanding an investigation into the deaths of the five unburied babies.
While abortion is legal in DC for all nine months of pregnancy, the injuries on the bodies of these five babies suggest they may have been victims of partial-birth abortions or, perhaps, were born alive and left to die.
In the letter to Mayor Bowser, the lawmakers stated, “while other horrific methods of abortion unfortunately remain legal for the time being, killing a child through a partial-birth abortion is a crime under federal law.”
The letter cites the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 and the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act as reasons to conduct a federal investigation.
On Tuesday, the Oklahoma House of Representatives passed an abortion ban, which is being heralded as a “win” and a “total ban” by many in the pro-life community. Unfortunately, upon further investigation, this law does not protect all innocent lives with an exception in place for “life of the mother,” which is a sneaky way to allocate for any and all abortion.
As Dr. Brian Clowes with HLI explains, “Abortionists can easily stretch any law, no matter how strict or precisely written, into abortion on demand. Since they falsely consider abortion to be safer than childbirth, pro-abortionists can easily justify all abortions under the ‘life of the mother’ exception. In fact, abortionists have claimed that all abortions are medically necessary.”
Clowes uses abortionist Lise Fortier as an example, who in 1980 asserted: “Each and every pregnancy threatens a woman’s life. From a strict medical viewpoint, every pregnancy should be aborted.”
The Oklahoma law needs to be corrected so that all preborn lives are protected, without exception and without compromise.
ALL in the News – Judie Brown Speaks on the 115 Babies Found in DC; Hugh Brown Featured on Driving Home the Faith and ProAmerica Report
Following the news that 115 babies’ bodies were recovered from an abortuary by pro-lifers in Washington, DC, American Life League president Judie Brown released a statement. According to the Catholic Business Journal, she nailed it.
Once a week, ALL’s Celebrate Life Magazine posts an editor’s blog on its website. The content can range from helpful advice to deep dives into current events. This week’s blog discussed Palm Sunday. The blog will be featured on LifeSiteNews.
On April 4, ALL executive vice president Hugh Brown was a guest on Driving Home the Faith. Hugh discussed ALL’s no exceptions position on abortion, STOPP, and MacKenzie Scott’s million dollar donation to Planned Parenthood. Hugh also recently interviewed with Ed Martin on the ProAmerica Reporton the same subject.
On April 4, Judie Brown was a guest on From the Median with Molly Smith. Judie discussed the root causes of the abortion holocaust in our nation.
This week, the Marian Blue Wave announced its prayer intention for the month of April: Florida’s one mega Planned Parenthood facility in Sarasota. The announcement was sent to the nearly 5,000 prayer partners and a list of local media affiliates. The announcement was also posted to various Patch sites, found here. The MBW also called on its prayer partners this week to say a special Rosary for the victims found in D.C.

Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of ALL.org. Each commentary is also featured as a part of Judie’s recurring column on Renew America.
Video of the Week – The Problem with ‘CONCEPTION’
Several state initiatives are attempting to regulate abortion violence but have begun with illogical benchmarks like fetal heartbeat or pain awareness. Some of these bills are willing to recognize human life as “beginning at conception.” But there’s a pitfall that many pro-life advocates fall into. “Conception” can have two different starting points, depending on who is saying it.
Action Item of the Week – Contact the Washington, DC, Mayor to Demand an Investigation into Barbaric Abortionist Cesare Santangelo
Following the recovery of the bodies of 115 aborted babies in Washington, DC, pro-lifers are calling on the mayor to investigate the death of the unburied five babies.
The five are suspected victims of partial-birth abortion or even babies who were born alive and left to die; both are violations of federal law.
These deaths occurred at the Washington Surgi-Clinic abortion facility in downtown, DC, at the hands of notorious abortionist Cesare Santangelo. Santangelo is on record stating that if a baby were to be born alive, he would do nothing to save his or her life.
Pro-life groups are demanding an investigation into these deaths and the barbaric and gruesome nature of Santangelo’s “practice.”
Call Washington, DC, mayor Muriel Bowser directly at 202-727-2643 to demand an investigation.
Pro-life Social Media – Red Rose Rescue Provides Clarity Regarding Dead Babies Retrieved in D.C.
We can never expect secular, pro-abortion media sources to expose the full story around pro-life, pro-liberty advocates. Take the story of Lauren Handy and her retrieval of 115 victims of a DC abortionist. Browsing the headlines makes the average reader think that Ms. Handy makes a habit of stockpiling murdered, preborn children. Thankfully, Red Rose Rescue, of which Handy is a participant, posted an update that explains everything clearly—that children were murdered in compliance with an unjust law, and that these children are owed a dignified resting place for eternity.