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Planned Parenthood doth protest too much

"The truth hurts," said Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League. "Planned Parenthood's own statistics show that despite the protests of the organization's president, Planned Parenthood is indeed the most radical pro-abortion group in the country."

Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards fired off a news release after learning that a political strategist had so characterized the organization. "While American Life League does not take any positions on any political candidates," said Sedlak, "we must comment when the truth is assailed, which is precisely what Cecile Richards has done."

According to Planned Parenthood's own data, it committed 264,943 abortions in its own facilities in 2005. "It did this," said Sedlak, "by operating the nation's largest abortion chain-with 232 medical and surgical abortion facilities across the country-and continually fighting for the supposed 'right' of every woman to kill her child through abortion."

"The president of Planned Parenthood can complain all she wants," said Sedlak, "but Richards cannot erase Planned Parenthood's relentless attack on the innocent that has claimed more than four million preborn babies since 1973. When an organization ends the lives of 5,095 innocent human beings this week, and 5,095 next week, and 5,095 the following week-20 percent of all abortions in the United States every week, in fact-it doesn't make any difference what else it does. Richards' attempt to deny that Planned Parenthood is the most radical pro-abortion group in the country simply has no basis in fact."

Release issued: 31 May 07