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Groups: Sebelius Unfit for Office in Wake of New Revelations

Washington, D.C. (21 April 2009)American Life League, Human Life International, Pharmacists for Life International, Pro-Life Action League, Women Influencing the Nation and Pro-Life Unity released the following statement regarding the nomination of Gov. Kathleen Sebelius to Health and Human Services director.

The groups represent hundreds of thousands of supporters across the country opposed to President Barack Obama’s latest pro-abortion appointee.

"As more concealed information emerges about Gov. Sebelius’ deep and undeniable ties to the abortion lobby, we urge our senators, especially Kansas Sens. Sam Brownback and Pat Roberts, to reject President Obama’s latest radical appointment.

"Gov. Kathleen Sebelius is unfit for office.

"Gov. Sebelius lied to the Senate Finance Committee when she testified she received $12,450 over an eight-year period from infamous late-term abortionist, Kansan George Tiller.

"In reality, Gov. Sebelius received over $35,000 in personal and PAC contributions from Tiller and another $200,000 he donated to ProKanDo, a political action committee dedicated to defeating Sebelius’ pro-life gubernatorial opponent.

"Sebelius’ home state senators, 'pro-life' Sens. Brownback and Roberts have a special responsibility to keep Sebelius out of federal office.

"These two men have long associated themselves with the pro-life movement. In light of these disturbing revelations, a pro-life senator cannot in good conscience endorse the nomination of a woman so tied to the abortion industry she would misrepresent her campaign contributions to the Senate Finance Committee.

"Sebelius is clearly wedded to the abortion industry. This woman belongs nowhere near United States health care.

"We are looking toward Sens. Brownback and Roberts to lead the opposition to this radical nomination."

American Life League was cofounded in 1979 by Judie Brown. It is the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to death.  For more information or press inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at 540.659.4942.