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What’s in a name?

The news out of Topeka, Kansas proves a point – being a Republican is being whatever you want to be unless becoming a Democrat can aid in your defense of child killing. You see, Johnson County Kansas Prosecutor Paul Morrison became an overnight Democrat so that he could oppose state Attorney General Phill Kline, who happens to be the most courageous pro-life state politician we have seen in years. Kline believes in personhood; not so for Morrison.

In fact I am not so sure Morrison knows that a baby dies during an abortion. How could he when he said, with a straight face, that Kline was using his office to promote a social conservative agenda. Huh?

Kline is using his office to defend the most vulnerable citizens in the state of Kansas. He has integrity and he recognizes the baby as an equal member of the human family. I have met Kline and he is for real; he is zealous and he recognizes the reality of what abortion truly is. A "social conservative agenda" item it is not.

For too long pro-lifers have permitted this kind of rhetoric to play havoc with what abortion really does to babies. So please, read the article and write a letter to the editor, telling the readers that Morrison needs to sit down and think about motherhood, preborn babies and reality. Changing parties to make a point is one thing; changing parties to further the culture of death is another.