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The Unclaimed Babies And Their Funeral

A good friend tells me that pro-life leader Lise Naccari, one of the founders of New Orleans Friends for Life, is one of the most caring, loving and giving people he knows.

I would have to agree. I received a press release from her today that announces a funeral on June 20 for four babies, found dead and unclaimed.

The very idea is so troubling. Here is what she worte:

NOFL is a non-profit, pro-life organization formed to help bury unclaimed babies, whose deaths were the result of abortion or abandonment.

The first two babies were found by a plumber; twins, a boy and a girl, apparently birthed into a toilet. Their story was reported on January 13 of this year in an article entitled “Fetuses found in Algiers sewer line.”

The third baby was 6-8 weeks gestation, found in the 9th Ward Florida Ave sewer. A police officer was called to the scene.

The fourth child was the result of an unwanted pregnancy ending in miscarriage.

“We want to affirm the dignity of these children by giving them a proper burial,” said NOFL founder Lise Naccari. “We invite anyone who would like to honor these innocent lives to attend.”

The press release was not picked up as far as we know, but that does not change the incredible grief that each of us should feel upon reading of the ongoing disregard for the value of a human person.

Thank God for heroic pro-life leaders like Lise, and her desire to be a witness to human dignity.

The funeral will be held in Park Lawn, at 10 AM in Section C-21 in Metairie Cemetery.