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Terrify the Devil, Oppose Planned Parenthood

By Judie Brown

Recent comments by Bishop Robert Morlino have made me realize that being politically incorrect will destroy the Planned Parenthood agenda. The brilliant shepherd of the Madison, Wisconsin, diocese recently told the graduates of Thomas Aquinas College to “be ‘politically incorrect’” and to “‘make the voice of reason heard in our culture’ amid ‘the darkness of our world.’”

Morlino’s message centered on Pope Paul VI’s Humanae Vitae, an encyclical replete with Catholic teaching that is needed today more than ever before in its 50-year history. Focusing on the words of the encyclical, Morlino told the graduates that sex

“is not just about biological re-production. It’s about pro-creation, which is a cooperation with God’s own act of creation, where He creates a new human being, a unique and unrepeatable human person with an immortal soul and an eternal destiny.”

Morlino’s words remind us that the dignity of the preborn human being which begins at his beginning is a treasure and a blessing we must welcome. This is the opposite of the lies Planned Parenthood tells when it markets contraception and abortion for the express purpose of rejecting the gift of children and killing those whose lives have already begun.

The stark difference in the two strategies is clear. Today’s headlines underscore that fact.

First there is Starbucks. The coffee house giant began its racial bias re-education of employees without addressing the number one killer of minorities: abortion. Dr. Alveda King pointed this out in an eloquent piece written to teach others about the horrors of PP. While Starbucks “does not have a corporate relationship or sponsorship with Planned Parenthood,” it does give money to PP through its matching funds program.

We recommend that the best way for Starbucks to fight racism is to make a request that its employees refrain from choosing Planned Parenthood and explain the connection between Planned Parenthood and the worst racism of all—aborting minority babies. It is a teaching moment for the corporation that is so concerned about racial bias. Otherwise, tacit approval of an organization that kills babies and intentionally places its clinics in minority neighborhoods blatantly goes against the training Starbucks so vehemently publicized.

Second, 14 Democratic governors have threatened to sue “if the Trump administration cuts Planned Parenthood funding.” It seems these governors believe that without Planned Parenthood receiving taxpayer funding “the millions of women we are sworn to protect” will suffer great harm!

Not so fast! These Democrats are obviously in Planned Parenthood’s pocket. Otherwise they would be courageous enough to tell the truth: Planned Parenthood causes suffering and death.

On the one hand we have the simple truth that fighting for right means becoming counter-cultural and loving it. On the other hand, we have deceitful abortion mongers and their willing accomplices in the marketplace and in politics. How sad!

But wait!

The truth is on our side. To hear it, we must listen carefully to Bishop Morlino’s sage words:

To speak the truth requires courage. To preach the saving truth of Jesus Christ has always required courage. But now even to speak basic truths of human reason, of human nature, of human sanity—even that requires courage.

Courage is a gift infused by God. And it is also acquired and perfected through practice. If you want to be courageous in speaking the truth, you have to practice doing it precisely in those situations where it is difficult.

The situation that we are confronting today in our struggle against Planned Parenthood and its culture of death allies is certainly one of the most challenging in our lifetime. We must courageously defend truth, the babies, and our loved ones.

Let us take to heart what St. John Chrysostom taught on the subject of the blood of Christ in the Eucharist: “Let us, then, come back from that table like lions breathing out fire, thus becoming terrifying to the Devil, and remaining mindful of our Head and of the love he has shown for us.”

Teach the principles of truth and life to your children.

Learn the facts about the culture of death.

Arm yourself to fight Planned Parenthood.