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Sexual Saturation has Consequences

A recent USA Today headline caught my eye, not for what it said but for what the news report did not say. The noticeable bold type read: "Chlamydia cases top 1M, while STDs rise slightly overall."

Within the text we discover that there is a near pandemic of Chlamydia, with the highest rates being among teenage girls. Chlamydia can cause pelvic inflammatory disease and, of course, infertility. If fact, one official from the Centers for Disease Control told USA Today that there is every reason to think that most doctors do not report all cases of this sexually transmitted disease. What I wonder is what else they do not report.

We already know that abortion complications are often called something else. And we know that women die from botched abortions without the actual cause of death being cited. So what else don't doctors do?

Well, I will give you a hint. For more than 40 years the birth control pill has been aborting children and hurting women, yet report after report justifies the pill and rare mentions its abortive action. Indeed, even some pro-lifers deny it.

And then there is the entire quagmire of sex education courses, designed to equip our children to do the very things that are leading to this problem recently reported in USA Today. However, the report does not allude to either sex education or promiscuity as a possible cause for the escalating cases of Chlamydia. So what's the deal?

I think it is most succinctly described as the sexually saturated society in which we live where everything from a vacation to a car is best sold by suggestive clothing or a hint of nudity. Our children are exposed to this in school, on the tube and nearly everywhere they go, including shopping malls. The results are right there staring us in the face, but who is paying attention?

Why are so many people, including "responsible" journalists, so wary of pointing out the obvious? Could it be that when some behaviors are practiced by those reporting, there is a disconnect between truth and fiction?  When does it stop being "all about me"?

I was thinking that maybe in the end, the "it's all about me" craze is going to result in a devastating consequence: it's all about death … the physical and, sadly, the spiritual as well.