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Safe Teens

The folks at Planned Parenthood are really getting under my skin. It was bad enough when my kids were teens, but now two of my grandchildren are teens and the situation is, as my grandchildren would say, gross.

Illinois Campaign for Responsible Sex Education is sponsoring a contest inviting teens to submit "real video" telling the viewer about the situations teens have to face when dealing with "relationships" and "sexuality." The prize is $5,000.

The problem with this sort of contest is obvious. It would be far better if teens were being reinforced in their self-respect and ability to JUST SAY NO by remaining chaste until marriage. But as it is, at least in Illinois where this contest is being run, the people of Planned Parenthood and their allies are playing voyeur while using young people to build up their customer base.

The sad fact is that schools are deeply immersed in all manner of sex instruction. Maybe that's why our children know more about where a condom is than where Bangladesh is.