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Politics And Killing Babies

To say that this past weekend's headlines were a bit disturbing to those of us who know that every act of abortion murders a child is an understatement. Try flabbergaste–at least, that is how I feel.

We all know that Rudy Giuliani, the pro-abortion "Catholic," is so squishy when he talks about abortion that even die-hard abortion supporters are laughing in their beer. But what happens when recognized pro-life contenders join in the discussion and suggest they cay "live with" this man?

Congressman Tom Tancredo told the media that he believes that there are "factors" that could make a "pro-choice" [pro-abortion] candidate acceptable to conservatives. 

Senator Sam Brownback uttered the same sentiment.

It is very hard for me to believe that self-described pro-life politicians have finally fallen to the depths of what I have always said would happen if the pro-life movement persisted in equating the act of abortion with a simple political issue.

Now we are seeing the fruits of that failed strategy and it is not only disgusting to me but devastating to the babies.  Who will be their champion? Who will speak for them? Friends, it won't be a politician. That I can assure you .

Watch closely over the coming months and see where the pro-life political experts deposit their support and the subsequent soft shoe dance they will perform in efforts to explain themselves. 

Barring a miracle, my recommendation is that they all stay out of the endorsement business and get back to the saving babies business.

Republican contenders for the most important office in the United States are clearly more worried about winning than they are protecting and preserving the sanctity of life. No surprises there.

It is very hard for me to believe that self-described pro-life politicians have finally fallen to the depths of what I have always said would happen if the pro-life movement persisted in equating the act of abortion with a simple political issue.

And just to make it absolutely clear that the term pro-life has no political value whatsoever, you might want to take into consideration the following comment by another so-called pro-life contender, Senator John McCain: “I believe that we need to fund embryonic stem cell research. This is a tough issue for those of us in the pro-life community.”