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One More Thing about Abortion

By Judie Brown

After nearly 44 years of decriminalized abortion, one would think there would be nothing new to say about it. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

As an eyewitness to this debacle, the dumbing down of America, and the elevation of the word “choice” to the level of doctrine, I have seen firsthand that few really think before they write or talk in their frenzy to protect the killing of babies by abortion.

In one article entitled “Americans Overwhelmingly Support Abortion Rights,” a blogger sites a Public Leadership Institute commission poll that “found that by a margin of 69-to-27 percent, American voters approve of the constitutional right to abortion established by the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade.” On the other hand, a Knights of Columbus/Marist poll found that while 51 percent of Americans describe themselves as “pro-choice,” 78 percent would like to see limits on abortion, including taxpayer funding of the act, which is opposed by 62 percent.

I call this a case of maximum confusion.

Then there is the Reuters article entitled “Women Who Choose Abortion Are Certain of the Decision” that tells us that the majority of women (expectant mothers) who decide to abort their babies are as certain of that decision—or even more so—than people who make “other healthcare decisions.”

Janet Morana, one of the founders of Silent No More, a ministry that works with mothers who have suffered because of their choice to abort their babies, refuted the study immediately, saying in a release: “I know from my work in pro-life since 1989, with Silent No More and Rachel’s Vineyard, that coercion and uncertainty are prevalent among women who have abortions. This study does a disservice to women and to the unborn.”

The contrast is clear. The study involving the level of certainty among women who choose to abort involved only 500 women—two-thirds of whom completed the follow up. On the other hand, Silent No More has had experience with literally thousands of women who have suffered the pain and anguish that follows the decision to kill one’s child.

While those who advocate for abortion call it “healthcare” rather than a decision to end your own child’s life, the truth makes itself painfully evident to those who understand the ramifications of what they have done. This is because, when it comes to abortion, we are talking about removing a baby from the womb and killing him, not removing a tumor.

The contrasts in these reports bring something very simple to the forefront in this long-running campaign and that is simply this: You can call a dreadful act anything you want, but the result will never change, nor will the pain and agony that accompany it.

The act of taking a human being’s life is not something else because of a majority opinion or a study about phony “choices.” The result is still the same: death.

One more thing about abortion is the only thing that matters: Every innocent human being deserves to be respected and cherished, not killed to satisfy a twisted desire redefined as a choice.


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Photo: walknboston via Flickr | CC-2.0