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How pro-life is new House leader?

According to a recent news report on the new House majority leader, John Boehner:

Boehner, a Roman Catholic and graduate of Xavier University in Cincinnati, declared his intention to continue to fight for the rights of the unborn. He addressed a House Values Action Team by letter Tuesday, in which he affirmed that he believes life begins at conception, reiterating his commitment to protect life at all stages. “It is a commitment I have felt deeply throughout my life, and a commitment I will uphold unapologetically,” Boehner wrote, as reported by the Washington Times.

This means that Boehner should be among the original co-sponsors of the Right to Life Act (HR 552). It is the only Congressional proposal that is in total agreement with Catholic teaching. Therefore, we ask the new House majority leader: where is your consponsorship? And we pray the answer is that it is not only coming, but being acted upon as I write.

See the Right to Life Act site to read the bill and see if your representative is among the co-sponsors.