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Honesty Is Always Nice

Today was a good day for the readers of The Daily Star. On the “Letters to the editor” page I found a breath of fresh air and an honest pro-life American. Rita Armstrong was responding to a news report direct from Washington, D.C. and dealing with comments made at the March for Life.

We repeatedly hear that the overall abortion rate is declining and is now at its lowest point since the mid-seventies. These comments are made by people who do not want to tabulate the number of babies killed by birth control chemicals and devices, not to mention those killed in in vitro fertilization labs. So when grassroots pro-lifers point out these facts, we at American Life League simply have to say thank you, thank you very much!

I am so impressed with what Rita Armstrong wrote, that rather than give you my opinion of her excellent letter I am simply going to paste it right here for you to read.  ENJOY!

Consider all forms of abortion

On Jan. 24 The Daily Star had a story on the D.C. pro-life rally.

Jean Naples of the Right-to-Life Committee claimed, "The nation is more pro-life. The abortion rate is the lowest since 1974."

Deb Marcus of Planned Parenthood claimed, "The abortion rate is lower due to more-effective contraception."

Jean and Deb are mistaken. According to professor of constitutional law Charles Rice, "Early abortion technology (chemical) is moving abortion beyond the law. Abortion is, now, not a legal problem but cultural and religious."

Father Paul Marx, a father of pro-life and a sponsor of six international symposia on natural family planning," states, "Every experienced, authentic pro-life leader I have met believes chemical contraception is the cause of most abortion."

The American Medical Association voted in December 2001 against informing women about the abortion-inducing potential of the pill. Dr. John Diggs on Dec. 7, 2001, stated, "The AMA has suppressed its conscience. Informed consent is a basic medical ethic."

A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found 98 percent of U.S. women use or have used contraception.

A Catholic study showed 89 percent of Catholic women use or have used contraception.

That is mostly chemical and abortifacient.

Hormonal contraception doesn't always stop ovulation. The failure rate varies from 1.7 percent to 28.6 percent; the mini-pill varies from 33 percent to 65 percent. RU-486 is being integrated into the medical system.

The official policy of National Right-to-Life Committee on contraception is "We have no position on contraception."

When questioned about the policy of the state Right-to-Life Committee, Lori Hougens, acting director. answered, "No position on contraception." (The Daily Star, Jan. 15, 2003, "State weighs emergency contraception.")

The only major pro-life organizations that accept Catholic teaching on contraception are Human Life International and American Life League.

Thanks, Rita!  We appreciate the compliment, but most of all we appreciate fellow pro-lifers who can point to the facts, expose the reality about every type of abortion and provide honest information.