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Edgy, salacious or just plain porn?

Just when you think Planned Parenthood has gone about as far down the immorality ladder as it can, somebody in that organization takes another step into the abyss.  And the latest from Planned Parenthood Golden Gate really trolls the bottom.

Claiming that, "the friendly skies just got safer," the PPGG new radio and television "mile high" ad campaign addresses "safer sex" with a flair that can only be described as resembling those triple X adult movies that everyone works so hard to keep out of their neighborhood video store.

The narrator is a fellow Planned Parenthood describes as "flashy;" I might have used a different adjective. But all things being equal, the male flight attendant is not the problem with this ad.

In my opinion, what is truly upsetting is that anyone would approve the ad for use in any media market at all.  And this is where some of my fellow pro-lifers are going to begin the much-heard, "There she goes again.  After all, the culture is nowhere near where you are, Judie."

But you know what? That is precisely my point.  The fact that such ads are used on cable outlets such as MTV, VH-1 and Comedy Central should cause every single pro-life and pro-family family in America to take several actions that are well within their ability.  Each of us should cancel the cable if it is in our homes.  We should protest in writing and by phone directly to the outlets that are airing such trash. We should begin petition drives in our churches to show these purveyors of porn that we are not going to sit idly by while Planned Parenthood takes their filth to the airwaves unchallenged.

Oh, I could go on, but I think you are getting my point.  When the "Mile High" project was announced by PPGG, their press release was as clear as anyone could possibly be regarding the goal and reason for the campaign, as stated by Dian Harrison:

PPGG created this campaign to stress the importance of sexual health in a creative way and one that breaks free from the old ineffective paradigm of relying on fear-mongering tactics to inspire desired behavior changes.  We want young people to take control of their sexual health and well-being by using prevention every time they have sex.  This ad's message normalizes pregnancy prevention and safer sex in a healthy, cool, and humorous way.

If I had the opportunity to have a few words with Ms. Harrison, here is what I would tell her as the grandmother of ten human beings who love God and want to please Him rather than the world:

Well Dian, let me help you see what is really "cool."  To educate children in the dignity of their humanity and the healthy reasons for saving sex until marriage prepares them for true freedom – the freedom to love unselfishly and with every fiber of their being.   And you know, when we teach our children why God is offended by sex outside of marriage and why such acts are not only unhealthy for the body, but also for the soul, we are being truly cool.

You know, Dian, it is cool to love God, to save sex for marriage and to believe in one's ability to practice self-control.  On the other hand, it is basically so uncool as to be hotter than Hades to mislead children into behavior that can potentially kill their moral, spiritual and physical health.  Your ads are evil, Dian, and we intend to expose that grotesque image you claim is "cool" until the day when you and your ilk are out of business.  Cheers!