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Choosing Planned Parenthood instead of Christ

Colorado's Catholic Governor Bill Ritter has reiterated his support for a proposal to provide $400,000 to Planned Parenthood and its allies. Ritter claims the $400,000 will be used to prevent unwanted pregnancies, not end them.

While Archbishop Charles Chaput has made public statements indicating that Ritter's action is not a pro-life position by any means, it seems clear that Ritter is not listening but rather has chosen to follow the temptation to do evil instead of remaining steadfast in his respect for Catholic teaching. 

Some would argue that we cannot know what Ritter's actual faith or lack thereof is and that is true. Nobody can know what is on his heart except Ritter and God himself. 

But we can view Ritter's public actions objectively and say emphatically that if he ultimately approves funding for Planned Parentood he is either ingnorant of the Commandment, THOU SHALT NOT KILL or he has arrogantly chosen to ignore it. 

You cannot be Catholic and pro-abortion!