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“Catholic”? Congressman John Hall

I am so excited by the recent activities that have taken place in the Archdiocese of New York where faithful Catholics have been pulling out all the stops in their quest to encourage Cardinal Edward Egan to make it clear to Congressman John Hall that he should not describe himself as Catholic because of his support for abortion, and he should not attempt to receive Holy Communion until he has recanted of his pro-abortion leanings.

Not only that, but "Some Poughkeepsie demonstrators even called for Hall's excommunication."

That's what I like to hear. It has inpsired Hall's spokesman to tell the media that Hall has "great respect" for the Church but that there is a "right to personal privacy in the practice of religion."

While that is certainly understandable, it is also correct to say that there is a right possessed by bishops and priests to make it clear that in fact when a public figure supports the direct killing of innocent children in the womb, the Church has an obligation to enforce Church law.

Although the article cited above reports that Hall attends an Episcopal church these days, various online biographies all show his relgious affiliation as "Catholic," noting his attendance at Notre Dame and Loyola.

Cardinal Egan's spokesman, by the way, says that he would make no comment but asserted that no public statement was needed. That, my dear friends, is wrong. As long as Hall continues to get away with his flagrant violation of Church teaching he is creating scandal. If a cardinal of the Church cannot clarify that, then what can he do?

Let us pray for Cardinal Egan and Congressman Hall. If you would be interested in registering your comments with the Archdiocese of New York, send them to the attention of Joseph Zwilling, the spokesman in this case, at <a href="mailto:
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