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Archbishop Chaput, Thank You!

In his most recent column, "Ritter now faces the hard part of governorship: governing." Archbishop Charles Chaput writes:

Mr. Ritter ran as a pro-life candidate and has always stated that he opposes abortion. As he begins his public service, it’s reasonable to believe him. The new governor has been engaged and active in his Catholic faith for many years, and remains so.

Nonetheless, it’s very hard to reconcile anyone who is “pro-life” with any support for Planned Parenthood and its destructive record.

In the opening weeks of his first term, Governor Ritter has a right to be taken at his word. He also has a responsibility to show Coloradans what he means. What his words do actually mean will become clear in the demands he places on Planned Parenthood for proof that state funds truly are segregated from abortion services and don’t materially support the killing of unborn children. As Vincent Carroll implied in his Jan. 12 Rocky Mountain News column, that will be a difficult task, if not impossible.

We thank the archbishop for exposing the evil agenda of Planned Parenthood and we hope the governor acts in accord with his Catholic identity.