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Abortion, Honesty, and Amnesty

The aftermath of the election was made very real to me when I watched a 45-second video enumerating the many political failures of Planned Parenthood. The video brought to mind the question of whether or not average American voters were beginning to see through the deceptions propagated by the culture of death.

I was struck, not only with the video, but with an earlier headline in an online publication that went virtually unreported. The headline reads: “Obama Administration Allows Fertility Clinics to Sell U. S. Citizenship.”


Yes. Think about this: “Conservative media are accusing the Obama administration of attempting to ‘sell U.S. citizenship’ to foreign children following the announcement from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) that it will expand the definition of ‘mother’ and ‘parent’ to allow women who use assisted reproductive technology (ART) like egg donors to confer their U.S. citizenship on their children. The policy corrects a ‘glaring inequity’ in the law due to outdated terminology that has required some women to adopt the very children they’ve birthed.”

Then consider this insightful observation by Fox News contributor Harris Faulkner: “This could allow American surrogates to demand more money for carrying the child of a couple in another country, since the baby would then have U.S. citizenship.”

The question is simply this: If these preborn babies, who are carried by surrogate mothers because the “natural” mother cannot get pregnant, are deserving of U.S. citizenship because of the circumstances of their creation, why aren’t all preborn babies recognized as citizens? How can it be that some babies are actual persons before they are born but the vast majority of those created and growing prior to birth are NOT human beings?

This makes no sense any more than the statements quoted in the video by Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards or the deliberate lies pronounced by a Planned Parenthood operative counseling a 15-year-old girl that “anything within the sexual world is normal as long as it’s consensual.”

Really? So babies are only babies when the Obama administration says so, and sexual relations are only a good idea when Planned Parenthood tells a lie to a teenage girl? What sort of topsy-turvy society are we living in?

When the president of the United States aligns himself with organizations like Planned Parenthood there is no doubt in my mind that common sense has for too long given more than a lenient bow to insanity. Let’s get real about all this, shall we?

I agree with Kurt Kondrich whose daughter Chloe is a Down syndrome super-girl. Kurt says: “Once the decision is made to deny amnesty to unborn citizens, they do not have the ability to return to their previous home, and they are quickly destroyed. Isn’t it time we do some real comprehensive reform and grant amnesty to the millions of unborn citizens who are in search of a better life? Hasn’t the time finally arrived for our nation to ‘embrace and not erase’ the greatest, most priceless gift our country has ever been blessed with—human life?”

If the United States can bestow citizenship on babies born on foreign soil before they are born and at the same time contribute millions of dollars to organizations like Planned Parenthood whose business is to kill babies before they are born, then we better work as hard as we have ever worked to restore protection for all innocent people, to defund the pawns of Satan like Planned Parenthood, and to press newly elected politicians to oppose duplicitous government policy relating to the preborn.

Amnesty for all babies—born and preborn without exception—is the only government mandate we need. America cannot live without it.