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A January 22 Reflection

We will march on Monday, we will pray, we will protest and we will charitably engage our opposition in discussion about the reality of what every single abortion does to the child.

But January 22 is not an anniversary to be welcomed; it is a date on which we should realize that for 34 years millions of babies have died, on an annual basis, from surgical, medical, chemical and clinical abortions. For whether the child dies at nine months, or at five weeks or at two days or in a petri dish or a freezer container — the reality of his death is the same. A human being has been killed and the world is a bit poorer.

It is my fervent hope and prayer, as we go forth on January 22 and further into another year, that all pro-lifers remember these children, cease the political shenanigans, and begin all over again to preach without apology that there is never, ever a reason to permit the direct killing of a single innocent human being.

There is no room for compromise when the subject is an innocent human person. As Paul Dorr wrote in 1992:


The large body of the public who remain "unsure" where they stand on abortion look to committed pro-lifers and pro-death forces to help develop their views. And with many pro-lifers willing to allow some abortions legislatively, it appears the public has followed their lead. As a result, we have lost ground with the public.


It is now 2007, and the problem persists. Let's end it.