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Missing the target

When I read the latest news about pharmacist Heather Williams, who was fired by Target because she refused to fill prescriptions for abortive drugs like the morning-after pill, I was reminded of a simple, but oft overlooked fact:

Alito alignment

The U.S. Senate faces a bit of a quandary. Do they create a bogey man out of Judge Samuel Alito and persist in misrepresenting his, to be frank, nebulous record, or do they face the honest facts and vote on his qualifications, period?

Media “experts”

It is always a challenge to remain calm when the news reports on the March for Life begin pouring into the e-mail box or the actual “in” box at my office.

Legitimating murder

The five members of the United States Supreme Court who agreed in Justice Kennedy’s opinion that the federal government has no “legitimate” right to claim that the Oregon physician

Deception connection

Planned Parenthood in Missoula, Montana is no longer providing “surgical” abortions and claims they are confident that Missoula’s Blue Mountain clinic will be able to pick up the slack.

Where’s Mom when you need her?

I can remember my mother always drumming it into my head that if you make a decision that involves other people, but you are in charge, then the blame or the glory belongs only to you.

What women want

It is always fascinating to read news reports about women and pregnancy. There seems to be a concerted effort to present women as superior beings who can exercise their choices in a way that glorifies some perceived power possessed by women.

2006: the year of truth

Just a few days into a new year, and I have the distinct pleasure of giving you some news – for the babies and for all those mothers who think that aborting a baby is a choice without consequences.