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Letters to the Editor: Morning-After Pill

Dear editor:

[Insert name of reporter or letter writer] has misinformed your readers concerning the manner in which the so-called emergency contraceptive pill regimen works. Here are the facts.

These pills have the potential to destroy a human being during her first seven days of life in her mother’s womb. A human being begins at conception, which occurs at fertilization. The human being who exists as a single cell zygote is a member of the human species in precisely the same way that you and I are members.

The facts presented in Biology 101 are irrefutable. [Name of writer] is propagating the lie that pregnancy does not being until the human being implants herself in the mother’s womb. The writer is opining that pregnancy does not begin until seven days after it has begun. But this view represents fake science. Everyone knows that pregnancy begins at the beginning.

Therefore, the so-called emergency contraceptive pill regimen can and does abort. And no woman, including the mother of a human being in the earliest stages of development, has a right to kill by pill, be device, or by any other means.