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Letters to the Editor: Abortion Safety

Dear editor:

I read a claim that abortion is safe for women, and had to write. This statement is a bald lie and there are facts to support my charge.

Research studies abound that link abortion to breast cancer, to psychological difficulties and to untold emotional problems. David Reardon of the Eliott Institute has shown conclusively that post-abortion trauma is a tragic complication of abortion. In addition he has documented the physical complications of abortion, not the least of which is death.

The problem is that the professional medical associations, in cahoots with the abortion cartel, are dedicated to assuring the public that abortion is safe, simple and easy. None of those words fit the problem.

The fact is abortion leads to a variety of medical concerns: perforated uterus, ovarian and liver cancer, cervical lacerations, placenta previa, complications in delivery later on when the mother wants a living baby to be delivered, ectopic pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, and lower health in general at every level.

Apparently the United States government is not too interested in knowing these facts, and is also not interested in an accurate count of how many women die after “safe” abortion. According to Clarice Green, who handles the CDC’s abortion data, state health agencies are not required by law to report abortion deaths to the CDC. To estimate death rates, the CDC has to rely increasingly on alternative sources such as private citizens, maternal mortality surveys, even newspaper articles.

Life Dynamics, Inc., has been involved in literally hundreds of abortion malpratice cases, and has become the nation’s leading organization for providing attorneys and potential clients with the facts necessary to put together an abortion malpractice case. If abortion were really so safe, why in the world would one organization alone have been involved in so many malpractice cases?

Clearly, abortion is never safe for the baby. It is not safe for the baby’s mother, either.

The facts stated in this letter are verifiable on the following web pages: Eliott Institute; “Legal but not safe“; Life Dynamics.